AAJA-SF President Cecilia Lei’s monthly update:
And just like that, it’s March! We hope the start of 2022 has rejuvenated you and your loved ones despite all the turmoil and uncertainty happening around the world.
The first months of the new year were about recalibration and rest, and now we are excited about the things we have coming up this year. Stay tuned for updates on new programming and partnerships (psst, BIG news: Our storytelling event, “Hella Asian,” is FINALLY returning!)
I’m so honored to continue as board president this year. I can’t wait to connect with all of you in ways that the pandemic has made so challenging in the past two years. We are thinking of creative (and safe) ways for us to be in community with each other.
I am also thrilled that we have stellar board members returning this year: Mariecar Mendoza (vice president), Harry Mok (treasurer), Kristen Hwang (at-large) and Sonia Paul(at-large).
And please extend a warm welcome to our new board members, Janelle Bitker (at-large) and Kellie Hwang (secretary). We are so lucky to include their talents and perspectives on the board this year.
Stay tuned, and reach out to me via ceciliaslei@gmail.com or @ceelei any time if you want to lend ideas to our community.