Want to be more involved?

Election time is here and we have several openings available on the
Board of Directors. AAJA SF will hold an election in November for two-
year terms starting Jan. 1, 2011 and ending Dec. 31, 2012. The
positions are:

* Board President: Convenes monthly board meetings and carries out
goals according to chapter bylaws. Attends convention presidents

* Board Vice President of Print: In the absence of the president, the
vice president convenes monthly board meetings and carries out goals
according to the chapter bylaws.

* Treasurer: Attends monthly board meetings. Submits regular financial
reports. Undertakes financial transactions, as approved by the board.

* Four Board Member seats: Attends monthly board meetings, set at
board’s convenience and held at media organizations that agree to
host. Each board member takes on a committee assignment and assists in
the development and organization of at least one chapter event.
Carries out goals according to chapter bylaws.

All board members have a fiduciary responsibility to the chapter.

Those interested must declare their candidacy by sending a brief one
or two paragraph statement about why they are running for the board to
Board Secretary Katherine Tam at tam.kath@gmail.com by 5 p.m. Friday,
Oct. 29, 2010. Candidate statements will be included in an official
ballot issued to members next month.

Candidates must be full AAJA members in good standing. Good standing
includes payment of 2010 dues. Only full members in good standing are
eligible to vote, but nominations of qualified candidates are accepted
from all members full, associate or student in good standing.

We encourage more local journalists to step up and continue the work
of AAJA SF. Got questions? Email us at tam.kath@gmail.com.

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